
Modernization of MSW management system

2023-01-09 19:43
Project goal
To improve the system of MSW collection and recycling management in the city of Yavan and the raion's rural settlements and to radically improve the environmental situation.

Reclamation of the old landfill, construction of a new sanitary landfill, arrangement of waste collection points, purchase of special equipment for the landfill, garbage trucks and a watering machine, purchase of different types of containers for solid waste collection and street urns, purchase and implementation of an accounting and billing system.

Our services
Environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring of implementation progress, assistance in the implementation of the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), preparation of the annual environmental report (EESR) and other reporting for the EBRD, inclusion of the necessary HSE requirements in the tender documentation, in the text of contracts, supervision of the fulfillment of requirements by suppliers and contractors, conducting training events on the topics: EU environmental policy and directives, latest achievements and trends in the field of labor protection, safety, gender equality, social protection, “smart” management of solid waste while preserving the environment environment.