Water supply and Wastewater treatment

Reconstruction of Vodokanal

2023-01-08 10:40
Objective: Modernization of water supply and wastewater system of the city of Nerungri in the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia.

Tasks: reconstruction of pumping stations and water intake wells, updating outdated sections of water pipelines, pressure and sewer collectors, replacing fresh water reservoirs, creating a hydromodel, implementation of SCADA systems, creating a computerized dispatching room for remote control of the system in real time.

Our services: environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring of the implementation progress, assistance in implementation of Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), preparation of Annual Environmental & Social Report (AESR) and other reporting for the EBRD, inclusion of the necessary requirements for HSE in the tender documentation, in the wording of contracts, supervision of compliance with requirements by suppliers and contractors, conducting training events on ecology, the latest achievements and policies in the field of environmental water use, labor protection, safety, gender equality, social protection, preservation of the environment.